Meeting of the Board

Sept. 12, 2004, 3:00 p.m.

Holiday Inn South, Lansing, MI


     The Sept. 12, 2004 meeting of the Michigan State Numismatic Society Board was called to order by President Al Bobrofsky at 3:00 p.m.  Roll call was taken, and the following members were present:  Al Bobrofsky, Kelly Finger, Dan Freeland, Kathy Freeland, Steve Marzilli (came at 3:50 p.m), Al Patterson, Dany Rothfeld, Bill Summerell, and Joe LeBlanc.  Absent were Steve Bieda, Tom Matthews, and Andrew Parks.  Guest present were Don Charters, Ritz Jene Sledz, and Ann Bobrofsky.  Al extended a welcome to all, and explained that part of the reason he hadn’t been able to get all accomplished he had set out to do was because he had been ill over the last few months since Memorial Day.  He is now on the road to recovery, and thanked everyone for their patience. 

     Joe LeBlanc led us in an invocation, and the meeting began.  The minutes had been sent out in advance, and since there were no corrections, the minutes stood approved.  We then moved to additions to the agenda, during which it was asked to add Don Charters and Rita Jene Sledz to the agenda. Removed from the agenda was the Bieda Absences.


The Agenda was then approved with a motion by K. Finger and a second by B. Summerell.  Motion passed. 

     Next order of business – Officer Reports

A.      President’s Report – A. Bobrofsky gave a report on the attempt to have all spring shows in Lansing.  Since expenses were more than income at last spring’s show, and the Holiday Inn wanted to raise costs to more than was practical for us to pay, it was decided to look elsewhere.  The Hyatt was able to give us a cost for the next 3 years that was manageable, so the board was notified that if they had objections, to let Joe LeBlanc know.  Since there was little objection, contracts were signed with the Hyatt for the next 3 years, with the dates being April 14-17, 2005, April 6-9, 2006, and April 12-15, 2007.  With dates being accomplished, the discussion turned to bourse fees.   After much discussion and a motion being made and withdrawn, the final motion made by B. Summerell and seconded by S. Marzilli will read as follows:  The bourse fee for a table at the MSNS Spring and Fall 2005 Shows will be $350 for both rooms.  Motion carried.


      A $50 donation to the Leukemia Foundation was made in memory of Harold Anderson, the clock man.  Harold passed away from leukemia this summer.

B.      Vice-President’s report. – There was no report at this time.

C.      Secretary-Treasurer

1.      Joe read a letter from the Lincoln Coin Club requesting to co-host the Fall 2008 show at the Hyatt to celebrate their 50th anniversary.  At this time, since we don’t have a contract for 2008, this letter will be filed until such a time as we do have a contract. 

2.      Joe was directed to put a list together regarding the co-hosts for the next 3 years, both fall and spring shows, which we believe have already been selected.  He will have this for the November meeting.


3.   Our current financial report looks as follows:

a.      Savings Account $36,112.64

b.  Checking Account $18,187.09


Because we have so much money in the savings account (life membership account) discussion was held concerning taking some of this and putting it into a 7 month CD.  With a motion by S. Marzilli and a second by K. Finger, the motion carried. 


3.      Membership Report

Regular Membership – 515

Honorary Life 18

Life 469

Juniors 36

Clubs 26

Total 1064


4.  A list of names was given to us for approval as life members.  They are as follows:

Regular Life Members

a.      Mark Alberici

b.      Nicholas Ciancio

c.      Daniel H. Davey

d.      Robert Kevorkian

e.      Richard Michalewicz

f.        Kurtis Wishert


Honorary Life Member

a.      Pam Watts (because of her service as secretary to the organization)


With a motion by K. Finger and a second by D. Freeland these nominations will be approved pending publication of these names in the Mich-matist.  Motion passed. 


5.      Property Report

a.      The copy machine is not fixable per Rothfeld.

b.      The computer in T. Klunzinger’s possession was discussed.  Motion by D. Rothfeld, seconded by D. Freeland to invoice Tom $105 to pay for keeping the computer.  Motion passed. Mr Finger says Klunzinger has agreed to this amount.

c.      1956 Collection – Several people looked at the collection – not worth $5,000.  It contains all foreign coins, of which13 are gold coins, with a total of 3 oz. of gold, 1 nice Peru gold coin, 11 silver crowns, and a number of other coins, over 300 in all. Craig Whitford, who has the collection in his possession at this time, has indicated that they could be auctioned off at approximately $3000, and has offered to do so.  There would be no fee to the Society to do so.  Motion made by K. Finger, seconded by S. Marzilli to contact Craig and have him auction it off at the fall show.  Motion passed.  K. Finger will notify Craig of this intent.

d.      We now have a raffle license for the Fall ‘04 Raffle.              

e.      Joe reported that we now have 116 applications for tables turned in, with the expected number to be 170. 

f.        Don Charters reported that Krause Publications, who has printed our Fall Show programs, wants to change the format of the program to a different one, which was passed around for all to see.  They will still provide these free of charge.  With a motion by S. Marzilli and a second by D. Rothfeld, the motion passed.

g.      Discussion about Mike Bean, who is supposed to be coming to the fall show and bringing a spider press, was held.  He is still planning to attend. 


Under Committee Reports, the following were given:

A.                 Exhibits – no report

B.                 Pages – Rita Jene Sledz asked to have 1 person from each host club be responsible for the pages.  They would have the aprons and be responsible for showing them what to do and collecting the aprons after they are all done.  This last show we lost 4!  Rita Jene will take care of washing and fixing the ones we have. 

C.                Mich-matist Report.  In A. Park’s absence, Joe LeBlanc reported that Mike Marotta has the Mich-matist finished and at the printers.  It should be coming in the mail shortly.  Another issue will be coming in about 40 days in time for the Fall Show.  The printing company will take care of printing, putting labels on and mailing the issues.

D.                Auctions – K. Freeland indicated that she has sent out letters again to all auction companies previously contacted with the new spring dates. So far, the only responses she has received are negative replies.  However, Craig Whitford has sent a bid on the Fall 2005 auction.  With a motion by S. Marzilli and a second by K. Finger, we voted to accept Craig’s bid and contact him to get things rolling and a contract drawn up.  Motion passed.


New Business

A.      Bieda absences – this agenda item was removed at Steve’s request.  He will be at the Fall meeting in November and isn’t running again.

B.      Convention Coordinator Reimburse/Pay    

LeBlanc stated as a result of Charter’s hard work, our conventions have been running smoothly.  As a thank you to the convention coordinator, a motion was made by K. Finger and seconded by S. Marzilli to give the convention coordinator $500 for his use + $250 allotment at his discretion for the Fall 2004 show.  Motion passed.  It should be noted that this is not a salary, rather a thank you.

C.      LeBlanc stated that since we will be hosting the CSNS fall gathering at the Hyatt in 2005, some decisions needed to be made regarding additional pay for case chair, bourse fees and raffles.  The following decisions were made:

1.      Case chair will be paid $500 for pickup, setup, and removal of cases.  Motion made by S. Marzilli, seconded by D. Rothfeld.  Motion passed.

2.      Bourse Fees – Motion by K. Finger, seconded by D. Freeland to charge $375 per table.  Motion passed.

3.      CSNS raffle – there will be no special raffle for this show.  K. Finger suggested we sell MSNS tickets for the fall show at this time.

D.      Wendell Wolka will be coming to the MSNS Fall Show as a speaker.  Because he will be coming on his own and not being paid by anyone, B. Summerell moved and D. Rothfeld seconded to pay Wendell’s mileage.  Motion passed.

E.      50th Anniversary – We need to have Tom submit a proposal about this for 2006.

F.       B. Summerell discussed the need for new lamps.  Motion made by D. Freeland, seconded by A. Patterson to purchase 25 new lamps.  Motion passed.


Under Elections, the following information was shared:

A.  Slate of officers will be eligible for election.  Ballots should be going out by the end of September in a separate mailing.


Kelly Finger



Steve Marzilli

Ann Bobrofsky


Board of Directors

Tracy Tabor

Dany Rothfeld

Steve Friedman

Mike Marotta

Gregg Gusef

Mark Carl Paul

Andrew Parks

Mike Strub

Bill Summerell


Since there aren’t enough running for Board of Directors, 4 seats will be vacant. There being three from Oakland County and only two can be elected.


B.                 The MSNS board has been looking for a CPA to take care of ballots and bring back an independent report for the election.  Motion made by K. Freeland, seconded by B. Summerell to approach Pat Heller with an offer of $200 + mailing costs to run the MSNS election of 2004 and be responsible as an independent CPA to calculate the winners of the contested races.  Motion passed.



Under Board Member comments, the following remarks were made:

A.         B. Summerell commented that things seemed to be going in the right direction for the Society.

B.         K. Freeland remarked on auction companies and their lack of ability to bid on our auctions.  D. Charters indicated that he will contact a couple of auction houses personally to see if we can’t get a favorable bid for either the MSNS or CSNS auctions we will be hosting.


With a motion by D. Rothfeld and a second by D. Freeland, the meeting was adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Freeland, recording secretary