Meeting of the Board –
Valley Plaza Resort, Best Western, Midland –
September 11, 2010, 2:00 PM
I. Call to Order Parks 2:04pm
II. Roll Call LeBlanc
Joe LeBlanc, Dr. Andrew Parks, Mike Strub, Larry Sekulich, Dany Rothfeld, Julianna Wostyn, Mike Dennany, Dan Freeland, Karl Mark Paul, Steve Friedman, John Chirco
Not Present: Al Bobrofsky, Ann Bobrofsky, Don Chandler, Chuck Fenwick, Dave Henderson, Ron Sirna
III. Introduction of visitors Parks
Brett Irick President of Windsor Coin Club, Brian Malnar, Convention Coordinator; Roseanne Parks, Mary Dennany, Lisa LeBlanc
IV. Invocation LeBlanc
LeBlanc lead the board in prayer.
V. Minutes of April 24, 2010 LeBlanc Approved as mailed to the board.
VI. Additions to Agenda Board NEW BUS J. Brandimore Scholarship Freeland
K. Assisted Living Seminar LeBlanc
VII. Approve Agenda Board
Friedman moved to approve the agenda, Chirco 2nd, Approved on a voice vote.
VIII. Director Absences LeBlanc
(Director absences in the current term: Al Bobrofsky 1, Freeland 1, Strub 1, Fenwick 1)
IX. Appointments (If any) Parks
A. Sekulich appointed July 2010, Approved by Board on mail ballot 7 yes, 1 no, 1 abstain
A board member complained of postage cost for the mail ballot; another board member contributed the $15 cost.
B. Hospitality Chair Julianna Wostyn appointed by Dr. Parks
Unanimously approved by board. Wostyn states that effective in fall:
Hospitality Room will be available during some off hours for board committee meetings
The board offers thanks to Rita Jean Sledz and Marge Stroshine for their years of service.
X. Membership Comments Parks
Hearing none at this time, the agenda continued.
XI. Officer Reports
A. President Parks
We would like members in Grand Rapids to keep working on finding an affordable
venue for a convention. The Devos Convention center is beyond our budget.
B. Vice President Bobrofsky Absent
Bobrofsky being absent, the agenda continued.
C. Secretary-Treasurer LeBlanc
New Liberty Bank failed, reopened as Bank of Ann Arbor. Reduced CD rates on our existing CD's.
1. Review Current Financials
a. Regular Checking Account (August 23, 2010) $25096 Approx.
b. Life CD $50K 3.4% Matures 12/14
CD $25K 1.0% Matures 03/11
CD $25K 1.5% Matures 03/12 Savings Account $3251
c. Cash Reserve Bank of Ann Arbor Demand Savings 0.4% $10K
d. Pruchnicki Inheritance has been disbursed in full for educational purposes as designated.
2. Membership Report
a. Member Totals RM 745 YN 90, CLUBS 26, HLM 19, LM 377 Total 1257
b. Life Applicants None
LeBlanc notes a new member club: Delta Coin Club, near Escanaba,
3. Property Report No Changes to note states LeBlanc
4. Spring 10 Report LeBlanc
Rothfeld asked to drop the raffle item lines in future budgets. Report Unanimously Approved.
5. 2010 Report LeBlanc
Much debate about the cost of exhibits awards, noted that some exhibit awards are sponsored. People generalized the comment and expanded the scope to cover the idea that most of us contribute much more in time and materials than we receive, even when compensated with a silver eagle, etc.
Rothfeld and LeBlanc are volunteered by Dr. Parks to write up a list of whom the organization thanks – for publication in the MichMatist.
Frank Passic is asked to provide a report of expenses to the next board meeting.
6. Correspondence LeBlanc
From Tom Klunzinger – regarding agenda for meeting and co-host club
From Terry Mokowitz, Hot Spot Coin (Indiana) – thanking us for last show
From Polish American Numismatic Society – requesting to co-host next Dearborn show
They still need to provide a verbal, in-person request. Brett Irick will inform the club President.
From Charlie Cowler of Southwestern Gold – can’t attend Fall show, but has to drop out due
to personal reasons – longtime dealer since the show was held at the Cadillac hotel!
From Dave Henderson – regarding point system, convention bids and coordinators
7. Mail ballot RE: August meeting/Constitution change LeBlanc
Failed by not meeting a quorum of voters. Most votes that came in were affirmative.
Pall moved that it be put into agenda for Fall. Dennany seconded. Unanimously approved.
8. FUN Table LeBlanc
FUN requested a free table to recruit members. LeBlanc told them they must join MSNS to be considered. We don’t have their membership yet, and no formal written request for said table yet, but LeBlanc asks the board whether an out-state organization should be given a free table. We give ANA a table (in the annex) and CSNS – but they are different than peer organizations like FUN. If we give them a table, they may reciprocate. Most board members felt that the board should reserve the right to grant free tables to other organizations based solely on the board’s discretion, especially considering reciprocity of a free table given by the receiving organization to us. Therefore we concluded that FUN would likely be granted such a table if they met these conditions. Brett Irick noted that Windsor Coin Club might soon make a similar request.
9. Michigan Annual Report LeBlanc
LeBlanc filed our corporate annual report with state of Michigan to continue our existence
10. Fall 10 Status LeBlanc
About 130 tables have been paid for at the lower cost table rate thus far.
XII. Committee Reports
A. Exhibit Passic Absent, No report
B. Webmaster Report Marotta
Email from Mr. Marotta – has no report but will email one to the board.
C. Auctions Summerell Absent, No report
D. Past Presidents Ann Bobrofsky Absent, No report
E. Mich-Matist Rothfeld
Suggestion to consider dropping business card size advertisements to save money – committee will study
F. Publicity Strub No report at this time
G. Membership Chandler Absent, No report
H. Conv./Manual Revision Al Bobrofsky
Parks notes still a work in progress, may change based on new dealer point system
I. Club Outreach/Communication Wostyn
Chirco suggested sending a letter to member clubs soliciting new members
Has been done in the past. Chirco to speak to Chandler
J. Education Pall
Wostyn: Info sheet on educational activities will be sent to clubs being invited to Fall show
Pall: Need overhead projector – digital type – can anyone help? By November, will present ideas to expand by bringing
in experts for whose lecture a small tuition fee will be charged.
K. Finance Parks No report at this time.
L. Dealer Friedman
a. J. H. Cline Discussion LeBlanc LeBlanc notes a conversation he had in Milwaukee at CSNS with JH Cline, A Florida dealer who has “bad blood” with MSNS. LeBlanc asked his desires to “come back” 1) His Life Membership was somehow taken away, he wants it back. LeBlanc asks if the board wishes to re-instate him. 2) Requests a letter of apology for past slights. LeBlanc is willing to offer letter saying sorry for any past slights he feels happened.. 3) He would like his table position. MSNS can not grant for November, non-negotiable. LeBlanc believes that granting 1) and 2) may be helpful. Strub moved , Chirco 2nd. To so move 1) and 2). Amended by Sekulich motion and a voiced 2nd that the (2) letter by reviewed by Sirna.. Discussion – we would try for #3 but can’t guarantee. Motion passed on voice vote.
b. Dealer Survey (Spring 10) Friedman
Friedman Read through results. Will be published in MichMatist. MSNS working towards improving. More surveys planned.
c. Dealer Meeting (Fall 10) Friedman
Friedmad will schedule a dealer meeting at the fall convention.
Dealer Dave Nazarro, a long time dealer who has recently suffered a major theft, was remembered as having donated his table, won in raffle at the fall 09 show, back to the club (value to the YN program) – a typical generous act. Friedman moved that we repudiate Nazarro’s donation and request him to accept his free table. Rothfeld seconded. Unanimously approved. LeBlanc will issue a refund of the amount he paid (that was recorded as donated to YN).
XIII. Old Business
A. Schlag Memorial Update Al Bobrofsky Absent, No report
B. ANA Seminar Spring 10 LeBlanc
We were paid $544.77 by the ANA. But we spent additional moneys not indicated in the ANA's form, for a net loss of about $200. This is an educational expense. Rothfeld felt the seminar did not give enough value. Others complained about our treatment by the ANA. Dr. Parks felt the ANA doesn’t take this seriously enough, professionally; the presenter should have brought or had supplied to him more equipment; there should be professional standards for supplied speakers. Pall said there should have been a detailed syllabus. LeBlanc wasn’t very impressed with the ANA’s administrative functions. The ANA made over $2000 doing this, having done very little to earn it. We could have done this better ourselves. Brett Irick states that the ANA is the only organization legally permitted to hold the materials used in the seminar.
C. MSNS Election Update LeBlanc
Unsealed ballot envelopes are prepared in LeBlanc’s office. LeBlanc delivers the envelopes to Heller, Heller then audits contents, seals and mails them. Should be in mail around October 1st . They must be returned by November 6th or so. Once given to Heller to mail, LeBlanc has no contact with the ballots. Bad address postal returns are directed to Heller.
D. ICTA Report Rothfeld
Onerous reporting requirements are coming in 2012. The new 1099 law for 2012 will likely cause some of our dealers to close.
E. Old Dealers with credit Friedman/LeBlanc
Asks permission from board to work on refunding or accepting as donation small credits some dealers have built up.
Pall so moved, Dennany seconded, and it unanimously passed.
F. Safe Deposit Box Signer LeBlanc AND G. Safe Deposit Box Key LeBlanc
LeBlanc currently only signer, has both keys to box. He had requested that the president be put on as a signer, and the key go to the exhibit chairman. Passic is unwilling to accept the key. Now LeBlanc asks that president be signer on the box, and key be in possession of the Vice President. Thus access would require both President and VP to agree to access the box. Pall moved that extra key be given to president, and in president’s absence, the president would ask the vice president to fulfill his duties. No second. Wostyn moved that the President be a signer on the box and the vice President holds the 2nd key. Chirco seconded. Unanimously passed.
H. Exp. Over $500 Motion (from table) Rothfeld
This motion comes off table from previous meeting: Any money disbursement in excess of $500, that is not a budgeted payment or a bill, should be discussed but not voted on until the following board meeting. Sirna had opposed this as micromanagement. LeBlanc strongly opposes. Much discussion about what this would mean in practice. LeBlanc notes that any time a director feels that a proposed outlay of money is moving to fast, that they could move to table the motion.
Motion made by Pall, seconded by Chirco, to table this motion to the November board meeting. Table carried.
XIV. New Business
A. Co Host Awards LeBlanc
Spring 11: request from: Birmingham/Huron Valley/Lansing/Livingston
Fall 11: request from: Birmingham
Spring 12: request from: 0
Fall 12: request from: Northwest Detroit CC 50th Anniversary
Any Available: request from Windsor Coin Club
Wostyn moved that Windsor and Huron Valley coin clubs co-host Spring 2011. Both are brand new organizations to our society, one is a very young club and should be encouraged. Freeland seconded. Discussion: Rothfled felt Lansing and Livingston had older requests and should have been considered first. LeBlanc said if Spring of 12 ends up out-state, that they should get that Spring instead as it would make more sense. Chirco notes that Muskegon and Grand Rapids had also properly requested the first outstate show – request made in April of 2009, and are improperly missing from the above list. Malnar said that Lansing when they were last assigned a show did not show up for setup. Friedman suggested a major alteration in the suggested alignments. Irick protested Friedman's efforts to gain approval for Windsor, and other clubs non-presence to continue to press their cases. Rothfeld says that Lansing and Livingston had made more requests than that. Wostyn noted that all the clubs have asked repeatedly and haven’t gotten a decision. Pall made a long statement appealing for Windsor, then called for the question. A vote on the calling of the question , passed. Then the main motion Passed 7-2. Dennany said we shouldn’t have allowed ourselves to ignore this topic over and over. Strub also tired of repeated ignoring , asked all remaining shows thru Fall ’12 be decided.
Rothfeld moved Lansing & Livingston club host Fall 2011.Second by Sekulich. Passed with decent by voice.
Wostyn moved Birmingham and NW Detroit, (Celebrating their 50th) be granted cohost Fall 2012. Seconded. Passed Unanimously.
B. Set Spring 11 Bourse Fee Le Blanc LeBlanc requested Spring 2011 bourse fee be raised to $350 with no early payment discount. There is a $25 surcharge if a dealer pays their balance late. Motion by Friedman that fee be set at $325 for payments in full through Feb 15 ( a Feb 15th postmark), $350 thereafter for bourse for Spring 2011. Sekulich second. Unanimously supported.
C. Membership dues change LeBlanc
Many local clubs charge more for membership than we. LeBlanc requests Adult membership be raised from $10 to $15, reduction on clubs from $30 to $25, YN and Life memberships be kept the same, effective November 1st 2010. Moved by Sekulich, seconded by Freeland. Debate opposed raising fees for individuals. Strub cited the value case should be made better for individuals, cited the high value of club membership in terms of advertising, opposed reducing the club membership fee. Others supported increasing life fees commensurate with regular membership increases. Motion failed.
Friedman moved to Increase adult membership to $12, effective November 1st. Wostyn second. Role call requested by Dennany: Chirco No, Dennany No, Freeland Yes, Friedman Yes, Pall yes, Rothfeld No, Sekulich Yes, Strub Yes, Wostyn Yes. 6-3 vote carried.
D. Book for New Members LeBlanc
Asks for budget of $2000 to provide numismatic books for new members. Wostyn moved to continue new member book program for 2011 at $1500. Seconded by Sekulich. Discussion: “**We’re spending too much to do this. **It is successful in bringing in new members. **We have no hard data that it leads to retention.” Dennany requested roll call. Chirco No, Dennany No, Freeland No, Friedman No, Pall yes, Rothfeld No, Sekulich No, Strub No, Wostyn Yes. Motion Fails 7-2.
E. Book for Renewing Members LeBlanc LeBlanc states that since last motion failed, this should not be done. No motions thus were made.
F. Spring 11 Education Seminar Parks
Parks wants us to go ahead on this without ANA’s assistance. Pall concurs. Time to discuss: Chirco noted we have a great deal of expertise in our own organization who could teach. Parks – what areas of concentration? Grading? Certification? Friedman could do talk on toning. Sekulich and Irick could teach exhibits. Pall could do paper money. LeBlanc suggested board give Parks authority to move forward for Spring 2011, and endorse concept. Wostyn moved that a Spring 2011 seminar be budgeted $1000 to move forward. Friedman seconded. Pall wants professional handouts, even color; and wouldn’t charge for doing the program. Sekulich believes expenses would be really low. Parks suggested adding that there would be a nominal fee for participants. Chirco suggested a fee that would be lower than the ANA. Passed Unanimously.
G. Spring 12 Location LeBlanc
LeBlanc states, Grand Rapids facility quote is non negotiable, unless we moved to late May or early June – and then they can’t move $10k lower like we need. LeBlanc states. Lansing does has issues that need to be further addressed. They seem willing to work with us. They have issues with any concealed weapons on site, and wish those with concealed weapons to self-identify during the show by way of badge. LeBlanc asks to give the executive committee the power to negotiate a contract with Lansing.
Wostyn moved that the proposed contract from the Hyatt in Dearborn for Spring 2012 be accepted. Sekulich seconded. Wostyn withdrew motion because it contradicted last meeting’s passed motion on Spring 2012 location.
Pall moved that executive committee be given approval to begin negotiations with the committee's choice for Spring 2012. Chirco seconded. After debate. Pall withdrew, so did Chirco.
Dennany moved that executive committee be given approval to begin final negotiations with Lansing for Spring 2012. Rothfeld seconded. Passed with dissent by show of hands . Parks, LeBlanc, Al Bobrofsky, Friedman will now negotiate with Lansing to put it together. Friedman has already agreed to be show chairman for Lansing.
H. Suburban Detroit Coin Show 1/11 Wostyn Wostyn says Chuck Sharpe has again offered a free table to MSNS at his January 2011 show – asks board for support. Jan 27-29 in Livonia. Sekulich, LeBlanc can assist, others are needed. Board is committed to continuing.
I. Dealer Fruit Issues Wostyn Dealers have requested Michigan apples. Board agrees that buying local has merit and should be done.
J. Brandimore Scholarship Freeland Bill Brandimore won the scholarship last year, but was prevented from attending due to a medical emergency. Freeland moved that he be allowed to attend next year despite our normal time line expiration. Seconded. Passed unanimously. LeBlanc notes the ANA is refunding tuition we paid already.
K. Assisted Living Seminar LeBlanc LeBlanc has received a call from an assisted living center that we provide a short talk, exhibits and to reminisce with the residents. Would the board endorse? Pall, Sekulich moved and seconded; passed unanimously.
Pall moves the president be authorized to sign the contracts with the Dearborn Hyatt for the Fall of 2013 and Fall of 2014 conventions. Chirco seconds. Passed unanimously.
XV. Board Member Comments
Chirco – recognized Strub and LeBlanc for going the extra mile.
Strub – we took 3rd place for MichMatist in the ANA’s club publication contest
Freeland – Friday after Thanksgiving – welcome to purchase ticket to TAMS anniversary dinner.
XVI. General Membership Comments
Irick – Exhibit budget and sponsorship budget – we could address by putting a memo in the footnote of budgets to cover amounts paid out and amounts donated to cover them.
XVII. Adjourn Sekulich, Dennany, moved and seconded; passed. 6:28pm