Meeting of the Board 6:30 PM, April 24, 2009
Hyatt Regency, Dearborn
I. Call to Order 6:30 pm Parks
II. Roll Call LeBlanc
Present: Dr. Parks, Joe LeBlanc, Ann Bobrofsky, Don Chandler, Karl Mark Pall, Dan Freeland, Mike Dennany, Stephen Friedman, John Chirco, Dany Rothfeld, Julianna Wostyn, Mike Strub, Charles Fenwick, David Henderson, Al Bobrofsky (6:40pm). Absent: Robert Lusch.
III. Introduction of visitors Parks
Don Charters, Mike Marotta, Dan Moore, Frank Passic, Brett Irick, Mary Dennany, Brian Malnar, Bill Summerell.
IV. Invocation LeBlanc
LeBlanc lead Board in prayer.
V. Minutes of Feb. 15, 2009 LeBlanc
Accepted as mailed with one change, in item XII (F) changed word dead to deceased.
VI. Additions to Agenda Board None
VII. Approve Agenda Board Passed
VIII. Director Absences LeBlanc (Fenwick, Lusch, Strub, 1 each)
IX. Appointments (If any) Parks None
X. Membership Comments Parks
Dan Moore requested the Spring 2011 club sponsorship of the MSNS convention for Monroe Coin Club. His club had submitted a letter in the past.
John Chirco stated that Grand Rapids and Muskegon would like to sponsor an outstate show as a Spring show.
XI. Officer Reports
A. President Parks
Dr. Parks likes the direction our club is taking. We are working on getting a national auction house. He would like to do a brochure to educate people about MSNS, explain what we do. Wants to get the ANA to come again to Michigan.
B. Vice President Bobrofsky Nothing at this time.
C. Secretary-Treasurer LeBlanc
1. Review Current Financials
a. Regular: Checking Account (as of April 7, 2009) stood at approximately $18,600
New Liberty Bank: Demand Savings 2.5% CD for $40,000 contains the re-investment of CDs which had negligible returns and had matured.
b. Life CD $25K 4.0% Matures Nov. 09
CD $15K 4% Matures Sept 09
CD $10K 4% Matures 08/09
CD $50K 4.1% Matures 03/10
Savings Account $2353
c. Cash Reserve CD $10K 2.3% Matures 11/09
d. Pruchnicki Inheritance
New Liberty Bank CD 2.8 % Matures Nov. 09: $3655. Money encumbered to bring ANA education program to our convention in the future. A motion was made to accept the financial information as stated, which passed.
2. Membership Report
a. Member Totals: 634 regular members, 18 honorary life, 456 regular life, 42 junior, 23 club. 9 libraries / editors. Total 1173. Since this account, we have picked up several renewals – and approximately 30 new members have signed up at the show so far.
b. Life Applicants – Danaca Tassara. Our constitution says you have to be a member for a year. But not a current year, necessarily. Her membership lapsed at end of 08. She has paid $350 already. Friedman moved to accept Tassara’s application, Pall seconded. Vouched for by several. Passed unanimously.
3. Property Report
We still have less than a roll of 1956 halves, and fewer than 8 anniversary medals.
Chuck Sharpe had traded his case for an MSNS case at the last convention inadvertently, and has now re-traded for it back.
4. Fall 08 Report - Auction - $2096.25
As of our last meeting, we had not received this royalty payment for the auction for Fall 08 convention. This shows as 2009 income, but if it had shown in 2008, we would have been slightly in the black.
5. 2008 Taxes LeBlanc
Received from Huggins. Will be reviewed by LeBlanc and Dr. Parks.
6. Spring 09 Budget LeBlanc
We sold out of tables, but 6 called in the last few days and declined to attend despite payment in full. None requested a refund. No intent to refund at the moment. At least two were sold again at least for a portion of the show.
a. Refund for Baker Numismatics
This dealer had paid for his table; but contacted LeBlanc a few weeks prior to the show to explain that he had suffered a robbery of his entire stock. His table was subsequently resold to another dealer at full price. LeBlanc asked that we refund his fee. Pall moved that we refund his table fee; Al Bobrofsky seconded, passed unanimously.
7. 2009 Budget LeBlanc
Nothing Unusual to report states LeBlanc
8. Correspondence LeBlanc
Mr. Diskin, long time member. Response to life audit. Praise for MichMatist, wishes he were still in Michigan to partake of our festivities.
An itemized statement from Mike Marotta, justifying his time spent on the website, has been received, requesting payment for ½ of the first quarter fee. Paid.
XII. Committee Reports
A. Exhibit Passic
We have a sponsor for another category – for a total of 4 first place sponsors now. Also we have a new 3rd place sponsor. Jack Huggins will be asked to be our chief judge in the Fall again. There will be a new "Lincoln" category in the Fall. The metal detector's club hosts in the fall. A metal detector category is hoped to be added for Fall 09 convention. Al Bobrofsky asked that the metal detector displays be at least 50% numismatic in nature. Frank Passic will ensure this is the case. Pall moved that $400 be added to budget to fund awards in the Fall show (only) for the new category of metal detecting. Rothfeld seconded. Passed.
Dan Freeland moved that the adult and YN best of show members who qualify for the ANA scholarship:
1) Must register for the summer seminar by any ANA early bird deadline;
2) Must sign a total release of liability;
3) Shall be reimbursed for travel expenses up to a maximum of $400 with receipts to be provided to the secretary/treasurer;
4) Shall receive at maximum a value for the award equal to the early bird deadline amount + $400; and
5) May choose either a 5-day course or two 2-day courses.
Rothfeld seconded. Passed unanimously except for an abstention by Dan Freeland.
B. Auctions Summerell
The committee is compiling a list of possible auction houses. They will send letters to solicit interest. Dr. Parks mentioned that we MUST follow up with all whom we solicit, regardless of positive or negative initial answers. Heritage is reducing the number of shows they do – 35 employees are required – and at a high risk of property. Bill Summerell wants an article in the MichMatist. Don Charters thinks he knows a house that may take us on immediately. Friedman cautioned against accepting only the first house that comes by, given the problems with the last auction house’s catalogs, etc.
C. Past Presidents Ann Bobrofsky
The committee met this afternoon, and their recommendations are pending under old business.
D. MichMatist Rothfeld
The committee met this afternoon, but began emailing weeks ago. We will go to 56 page issues plus the cover. The maximum % of ads is 45% (although currently it is 10-15%). We will reduce printings of give-away overages. Issues cost approx. 40 cents each to mail. We will send one per household and all (which is the current policy). We want to raise the business card fee to $15 per issue, starting NEXT YEAR. Strub needs an assistant with regard to advertising sales, Rothfeld noted. Rothfeld and Wostyn asked that Friedman strive to get additional advertisers. He will consider it.
Al Bobrofsky pointed out that the cost of the MichMatist is typically $4 per issue. We’d like to have a 10-15% reduction in cost.
A complaint was lodged by Friedman about some kinds of articles. It was suggested to rename them to point at the intended readership – e.g., the young kids aimed at by Benvenuto’s articles on coins found in change.
Dennany moved, Wostyn seconded a motion to increase the business card, advertisement size cost to $15 per issue. Passed
E. Publicity No action taken
F. Membership Chandler
Don Chandler asked that the membership application be changed to a full page, with the extra half page listing the reasons to join MSNS, and to have it printed so that the reasons are on the opposite side of the applicaiton, and on the outside edge, of the paper.
Wostyn asked that the books given to new members be awarded by a drawing participated in by all of them, with the prize being a set of books, rather than everyone getting one. E.g., instead of $5000 for books for all, $500 per convention would be used to build a set of books to be awarded by raffle. Dr. Parks wants to consider this AFTER we give away the books we have. This is a proposal for the NEXT budget.
G. Conv./Manual Revision Bobrofsky
Wostyn typed up the convention manual. Bobrosky reviewed and suggested changes. Referring to the constitution, some things have been eliminated from our constitution that are still in the convention manual, and vice-versa.
H. Club Outreach/Communication Clubs Wostyn
Rothfeld and Dennany are getting central states info to Wostyn. Chuck Sharpe’s show will be Halloween weekend in Ann Arbor – Wostyn needs help from board members to man the show, especially Thursday and Friday – she can do on Saturday.
Considering a show in Western Michigan that would be called "The Western Michigan MSNS Show" – sponsored by 4 clubs – which would be in addition to current shows.
I. Education Pall
We had a great education meeting! Sekulich is handling speaker’s bureau – adding to list every day. Calling upon every individual member with expertise on our board – e.g. Chuck Fenwick is the expert on "Stellas." Education without publicity is problematic. Joe LeBlanc, with Larry Sekulich, are doing programs tomorrow. We will have full programs for the Fall. Round tables will be presented to show several people at once conversing on a topic. Etc.
Pall knows Murray of TV’s Money Matters show. He thinks Murray could do a big promo for us that points out that the value of old money can be discerned by taking it to our MSNS show. Also: other TV stations have similar personages.
The ANA seminar to be held at our convention: $350 tuition for 3 days – e.g. Mon/Tue/Wed before Thanksgiving – per attendee. Cost would be higher if we had fewer than 15 attendees. We will suggest counterfeit detection as the topic. Committee asked to concense on the first date for the seminar – Thanksgiving or following Spring.
It was suggested that we certify the teaching so credit could be earned by real teachers toward their own certification. This could broaden the value and appeal and exposure.
We want a DVD style presentation. E.g. Mike Dennany has already done something like this for kids. Dr. Parks has done this for Kindergarten. John Chirco has been doing this by going into schools for years. Ray Dillard does this too. Donations of material are sought by John Chirco. Don Chandler wants old redbooks for this too.
J. Finance Parks
Dr. Parks reviewed early 2009 bank records and sees no concerns.
K. Dealer Dennany
No meeting yet. Dealers should get a form to go in the dealer package to complain of any problems they are experiencing that the board should hear. Friedman wants consideration of an extended dealer-dealer time on the first day, e.g. to open at noon on the first day to accommodate. Friedman wanted to hand out flyers about the proposed Grand Rapids location. Dr. Parks said instead that we would have our next meeting at this center, in September. 18000 ft2 for Spring, 28000 ft2 for Fall are our minimum requirements. Some dealers complained that they have been moved. Malnar will discuss with them. He has reasons for every move. In the Fall we only allow 1 table per dealer. But Spring allows more than one. To accommodate, this pushes dealers down a row.
XIII. Old Business
A. Schlag Memorial Update Al Bobrofsky
~$3000 has been accumulated by sale of previous medals. Still waiting for the full step Jefferson Nickel club to provide 30 more framed items to raise $4500 at $150 apiece. That money will make enough to finish the memorial at the gravesite.
B. Spring 08 Raffle Unclaimed LeBlanc
Half ounce of gold was donated to the ANA. We have received a letter of acknowledgement. It was dedicated to the Schook school / YN program.
C. MSNS Attire Parks
Parks has pursued a few leads. Jackets will be $250 - $300 each. Vests and shirts not checked into yet, will do so by September. Wostyn will call someone. Dr. Parks prefers jackets and has heard much positive comment about the professionalism it exudes. However, he feels there is opposition, and would accept vests for some, and flexibility for people to buy their own, or wear either vests or jackets.
D. Suburban Detroit Coin Show Wostyn
Needs help, stated above.
E. Purge of Life "Deceased" Members LeBlanc
First mailing April 1, requested response by May 15. ~500 under consideration. 100-125 who were KNOWN to be alive, were automatically checked off as being still with us. Roughly 120 people have so far NOT responded. 9 cards have been returned marked "deceased." 8 cards have been returned asking to be removed. 25 life members we have no address for; we will print no-response members in MichMatist after second mailing, to ask help again. Every board member will receive list of these 25. 3 life members were mildly upset about the audit, thinking they were being pressured to resign or something. 2 were extremely upset. Board members considered that only 1% of people misunderstanding our intent was probably pretty good. LeBlanc sent those complaining a why auditing and we are sorry for upsetting you letter.
F. ANA Seminar Spring 10 LeBlanc
We have allocated encumbered funds of $5000 to absolutely bring the ANA here for an educational seminar. If we get the students to come, that will reduce this expense. LeBlanc thought we should pick and endorse the choice of class here. Friedman moved, Wostyn seconded that we request the counterfeiting course. Passed unanimously.
G. Schook ANA Donation Bobrofsky
Ann Bobrofsky called on Charles Fenwick to make a substitute motion for that previously tabled motion. Fenwick moved that MSNS donate, to ANA’s Florence Schook YN School of Numismatics, the sum of $10,000. He justified his motion by noting that she supported YNs and MSNS; was responsible for us being here today; was a member of 50 clubs and was a past president of MSNS and the ANA; He would like MSNS to be the first to donate this sum.
LeBlanc noted that the money is available, does not harm us, and is fiscally sound for us to donate. There was much discussion. Some supported the amount, some opposed it, and some suggested a pledge style donation that could be fulfilled over 4 years.
The question was called by a motion by Bobrofsky, 2nd Fenwick. Motion passed thus ending debate.
Role Call vote: Al Bobrofsky: yes. Don Chandler: yes. John Chirco: yes. Mike Dennany: no. Charles Fenwick: yes. Dan Freeland: yes. Stephen Friedman: yes. David Henderson: yes. Karl Mark Pall: yes. Dany Rothfeld: no. Mike Strub: yes. Julianna Wostyn: abstain. Vote carries.
Pall then moved that the executive committee implement the wishes of the board. Fenwick seconded. Motion carried by show of hands. Therefore the executive committee will decide how to implement the pledge and payment.
H. Graders’ free table LeBlanc
It is a big draw to have a grading service. LeBlanc asked that a motion be made to invite same to our show. Al Bobrofsky moved, and Steve Friedman seconded, that we offer a free table to ANACS, PCGS, NGC, ICG and DGS. If SEGS wishes to offer a table entirely for grading (and not for dealing), his table may be free under that circumstance as well. Passed unanimously.
IV. New Business
A. Patriot Act Education Chirco
Chirco is pursueing
B. Mini Show Update Wostyn
No report at this time
1. Dealer Packet Contents Wostyn
Wostyn had items prepared for this show's packet. 2 intro letters, 1 welcoming people to show. Gave restaurant coupons to dealers. Next show intend to give a rolled nickel. Will reformat our dealer application. Will add flyer about the show. Friedman asked that the dealers be warned of the $25 additional fee with the next show for non-early-payers.
Fenwick asked to consider a dealer’s party, as has been done in the past.
D. CSNS Ballot LeBlanc
No ballot pending at this time.
E. ANA Ballott LeBlanc
Ballot will be received before next meeting. 2 members of MSNS running for President. Last year we nominated one over the other. Pall moved that we support Michigan native Cliff Mishler with our ballot. Fenwick seconded. Unanimous in favor.
F. Badges Wostyn
Mike Marotta did a lot of work on badges. We need a laniard, could get MSNS imprinted on it. $2.50 each in quantities of 500. Printing might be subsidizable by an advertising sponsor. Wostyn moved we spend up to $1800 to obtain the laniards with MSNS woven in, in our colors; and get the clear plastic badges to hold replaceable printed name tags. Seconded by Pall. Passed.
G. Co-Host Awards LeBlanc
We have co-hosts for Fall 09 and Spring 10 (Flying Eagle & Marysville). Don’t need to make decision now. Dan Moore presented his club (Monroe) capabilities, Spring 2011 is their request. Written request needs to be sent; LeBlanc uncertain that he has it; they will send again.
H. CSNS Show in Michigan LeBlanc
Friedman moved, Don Chandler seconded to resolve that MSNS wants a CSNS show to come to Michigan. Passed.
I. ANA Show in Michigan LeBlanc
Fenwick moved, Al Bobrofsky seconded to resolve that MSNS wants an ANA show to come to Michigan. 1984 and 1994 are our last show years for the ANA in Detroit. Passed unanimously.
J. Hyatt Contracts package April ‘10, ‘11 –Nov. ‘11, ’12 LeBlanc
Al Bobrofsky moved, Ann Bobrofsky seconded to accept these contracts. Passed unanimously.
K. Special Correspondence (Closed Session) LeBlanc
Roll call vote to enter closed session: Al Bobrofsky: Yes. Don Chandler: yes. John Chirco: Yes. Dennany: Yes. Fenwick: No. Freeland: Yes. Friedman: Yes. Henderson: Yes. Pall: Yes. Rothfeld: Abstain. Strub: Yes. Wostyn: Abstain.
Board entered closed session at 9.25pm.
Closed session ended when Al Bobrofsky moved, Pall seconded a motion to do so, which passed. Board re-entered open session at 9:35pm.
XV. Board Member Comments
Board members discussed what they collect.
Friedman: Best communicating board in a while.
Rothfeld: We need to pick a reasonable time for our next board meeting.
Henderson: Downriver had requested a show as well
Dennany: Committee meetings are good
LeBlanc: Bring spouses to breakfast
Al Bobrofsky: Commends Wostyn for her hard work and initiative
Wostyn: Commends her husband too.
XVI. General Membership Comments
Brian Malnar – Supports Schook/ANA donation
Brett Irick – Should extend same privilege to currency graders as to coin graders
XVII. Adjourn
Moved and seconded. 9:44pm.