Meeting of the Board 6:15 pm, April 28, 2012

Dearborn, Hyatt Regency - Minutes

I. Call to Order 6:17PM Parks

II. Roll Call LeBlanc

Present: Dr. Andrew Parks, Al Bobrofsky, Joe LeBlanc, Ann Bobrofsky, Don Chandler, Dr. John Chirco, Mike Dennany, Bill Ewald, Steve Friedman, Stephen Marzilli, Dany Rothfeld, Chuck Sharpe, Mike Strub, Julianna Wostyn, (Chuck Fenwick arrived at 6:20), Ron Sirna Absent: Karl Pall

III. Introduction of visitors Parks

David Henderson, Brian Malnar, Tom Klunzinger, Nancy Chandler, Lisa LeBlanc, Frank Passic, Steve Dieter, Bill Anderson, Dan Davey

IV. Invocation LeBlanc lead board in prayer

Moved by Al Bobrofsky, 2nd by Wostyn, to enter closed session. Motion passed.

At this time, the room was cleared.

**** Closed Session Began 6:22 ****

**** Closed Session Ended 6:27 ****

At this time, members were allowed back into the room.

President Parks explained that the board had to hear a complaint, and no action was taken.

V. Minutes of Feb. 11, 2012 LeBlanc

Two changes were made to the minutes as mailed, and official minutes so changed.

Al Bobrofsky moved we accept minutes as corrected by our secretary. Fenwick 2nd. Passed.

VI. Additions to Agenda Board Minor changes made

VII. Approve Agenda Board By motion and vote. Approved

VIII. Director Absences LeBlanc reported this term Strub 1, Sharpe 2, Ewald 1

IX. Membership Comments Parks

Dave Henderson – requested co-host for DownRiver. Has provided a letter. Last time they did it was Fall of 2010. Acclaimed as capable club.

Steve Dieter (Livingston County Coin Club)– with Tom Klunzinger (Lansing Coin Club) – Asking for a co-host award. The two clubs prefer working together.

Bill Anderson – Jackson club. Thanked Sharpe for his time and help. Will apply for MSNS membership soon.

Dan Davey representing Lansing Coin Club. Question: Is it legal for a member to ask to see the books and the checkbook for accountability for checks and balances? Asks regarding a local club, not MSNS. Can we do that legally as members? Sirna answered yes, thinking that meant looking at MSNS books. But the question was to review the books of another club. If they are a nonprofit corporation, a member has the right to review the books of his own club.

X Appointments Parks None

XI. Officer Reports

A. President Parks

Searching for an auditor. Some estimates are for $2000 to $4000.

In concern for time of meeting, will not acknowledge comments from the membership until such time in agenda.

B. Vice President Bobrofsky None

C. Secretary-Treasurer LeBlanc

1. Review Current Financials

a. Regular Checking Account (March 28, 2012) $50989 Approx.

b. Life CD $50K 3.4% Matures, 12/14. CD $25K 1.15% Demand Account.

LeBlanc asked if laddering should continue regarding purchase of CDs – when promotional rate above expires – soon it will drop to .3% or so. Chirco mentioned a 3% rate near him. LeBlanc mentioned non-profits and business are often not eligible. Chirco mentioned that political trends might infer we should not lock into any low rate CDs until after the election. Chirco moved that LeBlanc be directed not to open a new CD at this time. Dennany 2nd. Passed.

Savings Account $3252. $1000 Face Silver (Bought at $28600)

c. Cash Reserve Flagstar Demand Savings 1.15% $10K

2. Membership Report

a. Regular Membership 602, Young Numismatists 70, Clubs 25, Honorary Life Members 22, Life Members 383, Total

of 1102. 42 higher than report of 12 months ago. Among clubs, Battle Creek has gone away and won’t renew.

Grosse Pointe has not renewed. Jackson has not applied yet.

b. New Life Application ~ Beau Radloff. Bobrofsky motion, Sharpe 2nd to approve. So Approved.

3. Property Report

  1. Purchased some new sign holders. Summerell feels no need to buy new cases at this point. Summerell will fix cases missing a rivet. He also will get one broken-glass case fixed.

4. Spring 2012 Budget LeBlanc Reviewed with minimal discussion.

5. 2012 Budget LeBlanc Reviewed with minimal discussion

6. Correspondence LeBlanc

- Correspondence with Dearborn regarding Chirco’s signs.

- Pat Heller regarding idea of bourse fee changes he’d like, including rebate to dealers who stay at convention hotel.

- LeBlanc fielded calls from the general public.

- Request for contact with the author of a coin-sorting article.

7. 2011 Tax Status LeBlanc

2011 tax forms still in progress with Jack Huggins, who has a few questions. Will be done by the May 15 deadline.

8. Election Update LeBlanc

Accepting nominations. Posted on website. Nominations Close May 1. 3 nominations for President, 3 for VP, 20-plus nominations for director at this time.

XII. Committee Reports

A. Exhibits Passic

Two first time exhibitors at this time have signed up for the new first-time exhibitor category this Fall. Committee met and has some proposals. We’ve noticed the gold classification is getting stale – we always have the same 2 contestants. By dropping this category we’d reduce costs by $450. Second proposal – cut using an out-of-state chief judge and appoint Bret Irick. Approximate drop of $700 in cost. LeBlanc noted that chief judge was always off-budget in the past. Dr. Parks recommended that we send a nice letter to our past chief judge, Jack Huggins, thanking him and explaining that we will not have him back this fall under duress (of budget). We have a new appointee who is local and willing to do it. Chirco recommended we accept proposal and cut gold category, as well as the travel expenses for services of an out-of-state chief judge. Also to appoint Brett Irick as Fall 2012 chief judge. Chandler 2nd. Passed.

a. Max cap on awards $4000 Bobrofsky

Al Bobrofsky proposed that we cap the exhibit award's budget at $4000 – not including sponsored funds – per convention. This does not include the Best-of-Show award. Sharpe 2nd.

At current convention, we are spending ~$6000, which does not include the ANA trip. This includes the silver given to judges. Marzilli asked how this would now compare as a percentage of our revenues, compared to comparable clubs. Friedman answered that it is out of line with those he surveyed – most give no monetary or coin awards, with one giving a single gold for best of show only.

Sharpe moved to call the question, Ewald 2nd, passed which closed debate. Vote on original motion. Passed 7 to 6.

There were arguments that the exhibit category was being unfairly targeted for cuts. Strub noted that with sponsorships included, the actual cap works out to $5250 or so. He also pointed out his own reductions in expenses for the Michmatist, and further, that being the highest expense category, exhibits merited significant consideration for reductions as well.

B. Webmaster Report LeBlanc

LeBlanc feels updates being done more timely, and is comfortable with continuing.

Regarding recent suggestions that we post information on persons accused of a numismatic crime, Sirna explained that if they are acquitted, we could be liable for damages. This is regardless of whether there is a police report. We could post a link to a numismatic crimes website, however.

Friedman states - Illinois has a link to Kitco, and lets dealers advertise for $50 on the website, with links to their own websites. LeBlanc has no problem with Kitco link. Friedman moved, Marzilli 2nd motion to put link to Numismatic Crimes website on our website. Passed. Advertisers in MichMatist currently get a tombstone ad on our web site. Strub moved, Al Bobrofsky 2nd, that we continue tombstone ads automatically per MichMatist ads – but offer a more elaborate ad for a fee. Passed. LeBlanc and Strub will discuss the parameters of this enhanced ad option.

C. Auctions Friedman (Pro Tem)

Per membership survey, result was ~50%/50% regarding desire. Another auctioneer that Friedman has been calling, is not answering our calls. Wostyn explained that he has become too busy.

D. Past Presidents Ann Bobrofsky No Report

E. Mich-Matist/Web Media Al Bobrofsky

Latest issue: Editor Strub produced savings of approximately:

$600 for printing 2 fewer signatures and minimum color signatures to support advertisers; and $280.60 by reducing feature articles and author expenses. Based on the average net cost of an issue of $3750, this represents a savings of over 20%.

Convention Brochure: Strub raised costs of ads slightly, and sold ads raising $2135 in revenue.

His fee of $300, plus anticipated printing cost of $1821, left $14 in profit. LeBlanc reduced quantity printed from 3000 to 2800, adding $100+ to our proposed profit on this item.

F. Publicity Chirco

Skip Fazzari at ICG is willing to come but hasn’t been invited – perhaps we should. President states this is a matter for the convention committee to discuss and bring to the board.

City of Dearborn was helpful and gave permission to put up street side signs. Co-host clubs helped. 8 signs put up by permission of city council and mayor’s office. 2 signs on hotel property. Hard to know true results. 4 signs have been taken down and are lost. Cost of signs was ~$186 – when not stolen, they should last about 3 years. We have permission to do again in November. Officials were very open to our action, because we bring business to the city.

G. Membership Sharpe

A group in Ann Arbor is about ready to take the next step and form a club. Sharpe asked that others help collectors, or at least tell them about Sharpe’s willingness to assist the formation of other clubs.

***** 8:15pm - 8 minute break ***** Director Fenwick does not return.

H. Convention Malnar

Malnar felt the convention worked well. Friday was slow. Saturday picked up in the afternoon. Few complaints.

a. Table Rental Company

Current rental is $2600, $10-$14 a table. It was suggested we call another company for possibly better service/cost.

b. Convention Manual Approval

Strub noted that he had edited the final version of the convention manual to standardize grammar, fonts, and style. Al Bobrofsky, Chandler moved to accept version as edited by Mike Strub, with a date change. Passed. Al asked that Strub send the final copy to everyone.

I.  Education In Pall's absence, LeBlanc reported:

Central States has provided us with a DVD of Steve Bieda’s talk on legal issues for clubs.

We had a fill-in for the copper-mining talk that the absent Dr. Pall could not provide: Larry Falater.

We thank him for his gracious work.

The photographer’s talk was very good. It was very scientific and meaty for those interested.

J. Finance Parks

Finance committee meeting included many topics. Some suggestions they came up with:

- Advertising revenue from the website

- Possible $2 entry fee for conventions for non-members

Sirna added – this would prevent street people from coming in just to pilfer

Chirco added – it is another incentive to join.

- Membership would need to be looked up by computer.

- Premium fees for corner tables. We have 11 such tables – Friedman polled 9 of their current dealers whether they’d be willing to pay a premium for such tables. They wouldn’t pay $100, unanimously. All but 2 would be willing to pay $50 more. 1 said he’d never come back if we did that.

- If you are a member you could come in at 9am as a member benefit

- We could tier dealer positioning based on willingness to stay all 3 days (front of the room), 2 day dealers (middle of the room), and Sunday only (back of the room or the annex).

- Comp out of town dealers some for their rooms to make it fair for them considering their higher costs. To be discussed in dealer committee. Comp would only be available for 3-day dealers.

Dennany, Rothfeld 2nd moved that the board get a copy of future hotel contracts before they are signed. Strub called the question, Rothfield 2nd the call of the question, which passed ending debate. The motion then passed.

K. Dealer Friedman

Committee talked about having a dealer committee meeting once a year in the fall. Also, they did agree to increase bourse fees, so they’ve done their part.

L. Bylaw Revision Bobrofsky

Al Bobrofsky asked that we move XIII H below to this section.

Al Bobrofsky moved and Chirco 2nd that article 9 of the By-Laws become article 10, and that a new article be introduced titled “Anti-Discrimination policies”. Legal counsel agrees. The text is as follows:

Anti-Discrimination Policies

Equal Employment Opportunity

It is Michigan State Numismatic Society’s (MSNS) policy to provide equal opportunity in employment, development, and advancement for all qualified persons without regard to color, disability, gender, national origin, race, religion, age, sexual orientation or other legally-protected status. This policy applies to all areas of employment, including recruitment, hiring, training and development, promotion, transfer, termination, layoff, compensation, benefits, social and recreational programs, and all other conditions and privileges of employment, in accordance with applicable federal, state, and local laws. This policy also applies to volunteers and board members. MSNS is primarily responsible for seeing that equal employment opportunity policies are implemented, but all members of the staff share in the responsibility for assuring that, by their personal actions, the policies are effective and apply uniformly to everyone. Any volunteers, employees, including supervisors, determined by MSNS to be involved in discriminatory practices are subject to disciplinary action and may be terminated. If you perceive any discriminatory actions or practices, please report them in accordance

with the open door policy in this handbook.

Anti-Harassment Policy

MSNS strives to maintain an environment that is free of discrimination, intimidation, hostility, or other offenses that might interfere with performance. In keeping with this

desire, we will not tolerate any unlawful harassment of employees, staff or volunteers by anyone, including any board member, supervisor, co-worker, vendor, client, or customer.

What Is Harassment?

Harassment consists of unwelcome conduct of any kind that is based upon a person's protected status, such as color, disability, gender, national origin, race, religion, age, sexual orientation or other legally-protected status. We will not tolerate harassing conduct that affects tangible job benefits, that interferes unreasonably with an individual's work performance, or that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment. Harassment can take many forms, including, but not limited to: words, signs, jokes, pranks, intimidation, physical contact, or violence. Sexual Harassment Harassment is not limited to conduct that is sexual in nature. However, sexual harassment

deserves special mention. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other physical, verbal, or visual conduct based on gender constitute sexual harassment when:

Submission to the conduct is an explicit or implicit term or condition of employment;

Submission to or rejection of the conduct is used as the basis for an employment

decision; or

The conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an

individual's work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working


Sexual harassment may include explicit sexual propositions, sexual innuendo, suggestive comments, sexually-oriented kidding or teasing, practical jokes, jokes about

gender-specific traits, foul or obscene language or gestures, display of foul or obscene printed or visual material, including material electronically communicated or transmitted, and physical contact such as patting, pinching, or brushing against another's body. Sexually harassing conduct may also include any other verbal or physical contact of a sexual nature that prevents an individual from effectively performing the duties of his or her position or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment, or when such conduct is made a condition of employment or compensation, either implicitly or explicitly.


All volunteers, employees, board members, and particularly supervisors, have a responsibility for keeping the work environment free of harassment. The individual who

makes unwelcome advances, threatens, or in any way harasses another employee may be personally financially liable for such actions and their consequences. MSNS is not

required to provide legal or financial assistance, or assistance of any kind to an individual accused of harassment, if a legal complaint is filed.


If you feel that you have experienced or witnessed unlawful discrimination or harassment, you are to notify your supervisor immediately (or if your supervisor is involved, the

President or the MSNS Board) Although we encourage you to use the channels that are available through the MSNS, you also have the right to contact your state fair employment agency or your local Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) office. All reports will be promptly investigated with due regard for the privacy of everyone involved and, if warranted, appropriate remedial action will be taken. MSNS forbids retaliation against anyone for reporting suspected unlawful discrimination or harassment, assisting in making a discrimination or harassment complaint, or cooperating in a discrimination or harassment investigation. To the fullest extent practicable, MSNS will keep complaints and the terms of their resolution confidential. Any employee found to have unlawfully discriminated against, or harassed a fellow employee or subordinate will be subject to disciplinary action and may be terminated.

Americans with Disabilities Act

MSNS will comply with the relevant and applicable employment provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). We will not discriminate against any qualified

employee or job applicant with respect to any term, privilege, or condition of employment because of a person's physical or mental disability as prohibited by the ADA.

If you think you will need a reasonable accommodation in order to perform the essential functions of your job, you should inform MSNS that you need an accommodation.

Employers are required to provide reasonable accommodation only for the physical or mental limitations of a qualified individual with a disability of which they are aware. It is

your responsibility to inform MSNS that an accommodation is needed. Any ADA-related problems or concerns should be reported to MSNS President or the Board

Chirco requested a roll call vote. Results: Al Bobrofsky yes, Chandler yes, Chirco yes, Dennany yes, Ewald yes, Fenwick (absent by this time), Friedman yes, Marzilli yes, Rothfeld yes, Sharpe yes, Strub yes, Wostyn yes. Motion Passed.

XIII. Old Business

A. Schlag Memorial Update Al Bobrofsky

Turned down for the Schlag Memorial. Al Bobrofsky spent time with the director of the Michigan historical commission and learned that Schlag is not qualified because Schlag was not a resident when he designed the Jefferson Nickel. He is qualified for an informational plaque, however, which would look the same but be different only with respect to the fact that the historical commission, rather than the numismatic community, would select the location of the plaque. Unfortunately, must re-apply for this new type of plaque. Al Bobrofsky wishes to turn over funds to MSNS, ~$4763. LeBlanc says it can be accepted as a donation. Chirco moved and Wostyn 2nd, that MSNS accept a donation with an earmark for this project. Motion withdrawn at LeBlanc's request, pending his discussions with Bobrofsky.

B. ICTA dues revisit Rothfeld

Rothfeld moved, and Dennany 2nd that we pay $300 dues to ICTA for 2012 membership. Passed unanimously.

C. „Guaranteed“ & „Credentials“ in MM ads LeBlanc

Resolved in latest MichMatist issue.

D. Club info share website Friedman

Still a work in process – should be done by next meeting of board.

E. Insurance Policy report LeBlanc

Insurance policy that we have had for, mostly, our cases – plus liability for slip and fall – has cost ~$700 per year. Underwriter now says we were mis-priced. Our new agent, after payment of our old premium, increased the premium by ~$2300 for the remainder of the year, making our annual cost around ~$3000. This was due to wanting to charge us a dollar amount for each member. LeBlanc got more competitive quotes, including, finally, a $900 quote. Strub moved that we cancel our current liability policy, and give approval for up to $1000 for a new annual policy to begin at a date soon, coinciding with the cancellation date of old policy. 2nd by Bobrofsky. Passed.

F. Kalamazoo Mini Convention Chirco

Chirco, LeBlanc, and Dennany have been talking with Kalamazoo vendors and coming up with figures for a two-day show there. They have a expense figure of $16,900 but are not done tweaking it. Chirco is confident that the numbers can be improved. Kalamazoo and Grand Rapids are willing to cohost. Dennany has committees who are ready to step up. The clubs have even more volunteers than they need. They request approval right away so they can promote this show that covers Indiana, Illinois (especially Chicago), and Michigan. This is a self sufficient operation, says Chirco – MSNS should not have to pay a penny. Their objective is a quality product. Would be at the new expo center at the fairgrounds. Approximate dates in mind – first part of September, maybe February. At this time, the board was unwilling to allocate budget, or grant any approval for contracts, pending more information.

G. Numis Society Web Chat Board LeBlanc

Spearheaded by Mike Marotta over a year ago. Not enough synergy to make it work. Strub, Marzilli moved to kill it. Passed.

H. Anti-Discrimination & Anti-Harrassment Policy Handled earlier in meeting.

      1. CPA Hire authorization (from table) LeBlanc states at the Feb 2012 board meeting the following motion was tabled to this time certain. Dennany moved that the executive committee be empowered to acquire bids, and hire a CPA to perform an audit at a cost up to $5000. Marzilli 2nd.

LeBlanc states no solid bids for this job yet. LeBlanc hopes this will be voted down at this time.

Motion by Bobrofsky, Chirco 2nd, to table indefinately. Passed.

J. Audit Status Parks

Dennany moved, Chandler 2nd that an estimate be provided by the Executive Committee within 90 days for cost of audit. Roll Call: Bobrofsky yes, Chandler yes, Chirco yes, Dennany yes Ewald yes, Fenwick (absent), Friedman yes, Marzilli yes, Rothfeld yes, Sharpe yes, Strub yes, Wostyn yes. Unanimously passed.

XIV. New Business

A. Entrance Survey from Fall 11 Sharpe

Survey results mailed to board earlier.

B. Board ethics/dealer rumors Wostyn

At Marysville show, a verbal complaint was lodged with Wostyn over a current or past board member.  The complaint was not followed up in writing and therefore no action will be taken.

C. Co-Host Awards Board

Filled through 2013. Need co-hosts for Spring 2014, have one co-host (Lincoln) for Fall 2014.

Strub moved to award 50/50 Spring 2015 to Livingstone and Lansing. 2nd by Bobrofsky. Passed.

Strub moved, 2nd Bobrofsky to award 50% to Downriver for Spring 2014. Passed.

D. Financial Comparison with other shows Friedman

Friedman compared MSNS to Indiana State, Blue Ridge, Penn State (PAN), Pittsburgh, GA State, Chattanooga, Ohio State, Illinois State. Our show charges higher bourse fees than all of them – 335/350 versus an average of $280. Board during discussion feels MSNS far superior to theirs – venue quality, publication, attendance, longevity, etc. Their table counts are higher than ours. However, it is not clear whether their numbers and their claims are accurate. Furthermore, two dealers in attendance, David Nazzaro and Steve Garvin, strongly maintained that our venue is superior and noted that MSNS could justify table fees as high as $500.

E. Cut all budget expenses 10% Rothfeld

Rothfled proposed cutting entire budget, including to contractors, authors, Ray Dillard for rolling cents. Rothfeld moved that we cut all departments that receive budget money by 10% and all persons that do work for MSNS also be cut by 10%. 2nd by Dennany. LeBlanc states he does not understand what 'departments' means, as that word is not commonly used on our budget. Motion then Withdrawn by maker, and 2nd. Rothfeld then said he would detail his proposal.

New motion by Rothfeld: Cut by 10% the budgeted amount for each of the following: hosting fees to clubs, case chairman, convention coordinator, secretary-treasurer, MichMatist editor, webmaster, educational forum, hospitality, board of Directors budget, YN Program, Article writing fees, elongated fee, advertising expenses, free tables prize for dealers who stay 3 days. 2nd by Dennany. LeBlanc expressed concern over wording of motion, and that cutting budgeted amount would only put expenses over budget, since expenses themselve were not being called to be cut. The question was called by multiple board members to end discussion and debate. Passed ending debate. Rothfled requested a Roll call vote: Al Bobrofsky No, Chandler No, Chirco No, Dennany yes, Ewald no, Friedman no, Marzilli no, Rothfeld yes, Sharpe no, Strub no, Wostyn no. Defeated.

At this time, Director Rothfeld left meeting. 10:49 PM

F. Webmaster reduce pay rate to $60 month * In spirit of cost reduction, LeBlanc asks that webmaster pay be cut to $60 month.

Friedman moved, and Bobrofsky 2nd, a motion to reduce the pay rate for webmaster from $250/quarter to $180/quarter Passed.

At this time, Director Denneny left meeting. 10:50 PM

G. Purchase CSNS DVD for our clubs Chirco

Chirco asked for support to provide the CSNS Bieda DVD to our member clubs at a cost $12 each. Parks suggested we put just one in our Library and let it be known that it is available.

H YN Program Sponsor Ewald

Ewald approached a former MSNS YN who is willing to sponsor the YN luncheon , saving MSNS $450. The board expressed interest and great gratitute and asked that it proceed.

XVI. Board Member Comments

Al Bobrofsky – Should we consider a 3rd state convention in a town where their board member walks out of meetings. Thanked Wostyn for her efforts in analyzing our finances.

Ann Bobrofsky – We could save money by not providing fruit to the dealers. Freidman moved and Marzilli 2nd: Cut fruit purchase in ½, and allow dealers to pickup rather than deliver to table. Passed.

Friedman – we should drop the free table raffle. Malnar states does help keep sunday table occupation.

Chandler – we get too involved in details, and forget our educational mission.

Chirco – Friedman put a lot of work into his show comparison, which showed that MSNS provides significantly higher-value prizes than other state shows for exhibits; kudos.

XVII. General Membership Comments

Dave Henderson – asked if we take advantage of CSNS DVD program. Answer: yes.

Brian Malnar – giving the free table away shouldn’t end, it is effective.

Dave Nazzaro – Stated would be willing to pay an increase in bourse fees if it helped MSNS, also suggested we should offer sponsorships from dealers to fund coffee/donuts or the fruit and that he would be a willing participant.

  1. Executive session request Executive session was handled near start of the meeting.

Meeting adjourned by consent of board, and by Presidential gavel at 11:10PM

Board members held informal talks until 11:45PM

XIX. Adjourn