Meeting of the Board
Macomb Community College
September 23, 2012, 1:30 p.m.
I. Call to Order Parks
President Parks called meeting to order at 1:32PM
II. Roll Call LeBlanc
Present: President Andrew Parks, Vice President Al Bobrofsky, Secretary Treasurer Joe LeBlanc, Legal Counsel Ron Sirna.
Ann Bobrofsky, Don Chandler, John Chirco, Bill Ewald, Steve Friedman, Brett Irick, Karl Mark Pall, Chuck Sharpe, Mike Strub, Julianna Wostyn Absent: Chuck Fenwick, Steve Marzilli, Dany Rothfeld
III. Introduction of visitors Parks
Pauline Passic (not a member), Lisa LeBlanc, Frank Passic, Bill Summerell, Brian Tideswell, Brian Malnar.
IV. Invocation LeBlanc LeBlanc lead the board in prayer.
V. Minutes of July 29, 2012 LeBlanc Approved as mailed.
VII. Approve Agenda Board
XII M 6, 7 added to proposed agenda. Also a executive session request by Friedman to discuss various issues. Such session to be immediately following Membership comments. executive session to also discuss member complaint. Irick moved to approve, Sharpe 2nd, verbal vote approved.
Director Absences
LeBlanc reported on board absences: (Sharpe 3, Chandler 1, Ewald 1, Fenwick 1, Marzilli 1, Pall 1, Strub 1)
Appointments (If any) Parks None at this time.
Membership Comments Parks
Hearing no membership comments, the agenda moved on.
By board verbal vote, executive session began. Guests left room.
********************Closed Session Began 1:40pm *************************
Various Issues Freidman
Member Complaint LeBlanc
*************** Friedman moved to end the executive session, Wostyn 2nd, motion approved at 2:24pm ******
Doors being opened, found all earlier guests/members still present.
XI. Officer Reports
A. President Parks Parks No comments at this time
B. Vice President Bobrofsky Al Bobrofsky asked President Parks to re-confirm the committee formed 4/9/2011 to review and recommend changes to the constitution and bylaws. So affirmed by Parks. Revisions are due from the committee to board members by November 7 so that changes may be considered at the next board meeting.
C. Secretary-Treasurer LeBlanc
1. Review Current Financials
a. Regular Checking Account (Sept. 5, 2012) $22,331. Approx.
b. Life CD $50K 3.4% Matures, 12/14
Demand Deposit $25K .2%
Savings Account $3600
$1000 Face Silver (Bought at $28600)
c. Cash Reserve Flagstar Bank Demand Savings .2% $10K
LeBlanc asked if the board wished to move $25k from demand account to a ~12 month cd at ~1%. Bobrofsky moved that LeBlanc open a $25k cd of ~12 months at ~1%, Pall 2nd . Passed Unanimous.
2. Membership Report
a. Member Totals RM 676 YN 87, CLUBS 27, HLM 22, LM 381 Total 1193
3. Property Report Parks asks for written report for next BOD meeting.
4. Spring 12 Report LeBlanc LeBlanc's worksheet Approved by board on voice vote.
5. 2012 Report LeBlanc LeBlanc's worksheet Approved by board on voice vote.
6. Correspondence LeBlanc Dealer letter from TNA Associates – thanks for finding new location.
Dealer Don Labell hopes we will advertise well.
Lansing library thanks us for donation of cash.
7. Fall 12 Budget Proposal LeBlanc Moved by Irick, 2nd Pall, to accept worksheet budget. Approved.
8. Schlag Donation LeBlanc
Wostyn moved, Pall 2nd:
Moved that MSNS gratefully accepts the donation of cash in the amount of $4763 from the Schlag Memorial Fund subject to the following earmark. MSNS will pay up to $4763 for a State of Michigan Informational plaque to be placed in Owosso Michigan commemorating Felix Schlag. This plaque must be placed by December 31st, 2015 or this earmark is dissolved. In the event the earmark is dissolved, the donation will be considered donated to MSNS with no earmark. Any money left over after paying for the plaque will be considered a donation to the MSNS YN program. Approved with Bobrofsky abstention.
LeBlanc states this money has been deposited in a separate savings account.
XII. Committee Reports
A. Exhibit Passic
Passic had earlier given a written report to the board. Light discussion occured.
a. Sponsorship Ask Friedman Proposes that rather than invoicing donors, we make a phone call to them first, which is a “courtesy call”. If we get a “yes”, only then do we invoice them.
B. Webmaster Report LeBlanc Web site being kept up to date. Much info about convention relocation.
LeBlanc developing a list of dealer email addresses, per request from Wostyn and Sirna.
C. Auctions Friedman (Pro Tem)
Asks if Ron Sirna will join committee. Sirna said yes. Parks then appointed.
D. Past Presidents Ann Bobrofsky No Report at this time.
E. Mich-Matist/Web Media Al Bobrofsky Strub reports having negotiated with a new printer. Costs should drop along with a quality improvement, for example, more color. Convention brochures also should improve at a lower cost.
F. Publicity Chirco Chirco showed mock-up of yard signs that will direct traffic to our show
locally. 24” x 36” signs. Also working on contacting all 15 local schools. Contacting chief academic office for Warren consolidated schools. Want to physically go to the schools, give presentations, provide brochures. Oakland Press and Observer & Eccentric are identified as more press to advertise in. Pall: Mayor has endorsed an ad about our show in the WATER BILL of 55,000 local residents (under “things to do”) Mayor Jim Fouts has given us a contact person to work with. Warren magazine. Warren local city TV will cover. Steve Bieda will contact other Macomb County Officials – ribbon cutting on each day of show. Senior Citizen groups he is working with may be able to bus in seniors. Friedman suggested working with local veteran’s groups – Pall will do this – put items in their local newsletters. WWJ’s Roberta Jacina will be approached.
G. Membership Sharpe 2 individuals have inquired about starting a club – they were answered immediately. Ann Arbor and Bay City areas have new clubs forming. If you know anyone interested in a new club, or needing one in their area – contact Sharpe and he will take it from there.
H. Convention Malnar 129 tables committed so far for fall.
I. Education Pall Pall states educational programs for fall are firming.
J. Finance Parks No report at this time
K. Dealer Friedman Meeting after this board meeting to discuss floor plans, contacting dealers who haven’t sent in re-signed contracts, contacting dealers who used to do our shows and whom we hope to bring back.
L. Bylaw Revision Bobrofsky Covered earlier.
M. Relocation Wostyn Covered earlier.
a. Fall 12
1. Linens
Wostyn moved we rent the linens for $5 each from Macomb facility for this show. 2nd by Chirco. Unanimous
2. Publicity Discussed Publicity.
3. Banner Showed Banner that has been purchased for convention entrance.
4. Insurance LeBlanc Macomb Community College added as additional insured, per contract requirement – added ~$100 to our insurance cost.
5. Food/Hospitality Wostyn moved we have a $7 voucher program for our volunteers and board members, per day. Approximately 100 such vouchers would be needed. Second by Al Bobrofsky. Unanimous.
Discuss Hotel Rooms for BOD at Nov convention.
Sirna reported on his negotiations with Holiday Inn hotels in Warren area. Contract at favorable terms have been signed.
The board thanked Sirna for his hard work, and noted contracts are far superior to the past. The contract allows for officials of MSNS to stay at the hotel for offical duties at a reduced cost.
Friedman moved, Irick 2nd: At the Fall 2012 convention, board members’ may have up to two nights paid by MSNS at the Holiday Inn Express. If they prefer the Holiday Inn and Suites, they must pay $10 per night uplift. Passed. Board members must make reservations with their own credit cards – provide plans to Wostyn by October 31 if you intend to use a room.
7. Changing the approved dealer breakfast to an evening dealer reception.
One of the hotels with which we negotiated provides free breakfast. Therefore Friedman moved we change from a dealer breakfast to a Friday evening reception. We would provide vouchers for certain drinks (one per person) and hors d’oeuvres - $3/drink, $5/food - for 150-200 people. Both dealers and spouses and assistants shall be invited. Total cost would be lower than we budgeted for a breakfast ($1200-$1600 versus $2000). Al Bobrofsky 2nd. Passed. Vouchers will be provided upon being shown the dealer/assistant badges.
b. Spring 13
1. Location – Royal Realities remains silent on future plans. Al Bobrofsky says he is working with Grand Rapids to get another bid/proposal for the Spring 2013 convention. President Parks asked the committee (Wostyn, Chirco, Friedman, Al Bobrofsky, Sirna) bring their proposals on competing locations, to LeBlanc. A possible conference call for late October may be planned.
XIII. Old Business
A. Schlag Memorial Update Alobrofsky Discussed earlier.
B. ICTA Report Rothfeld Absent, no report given
Election Status LeBlanc Working with Pat Heller. Unsealed envelopes have been given to him for audit, and mailing. Ballots will be mailed in earlier October. Due date of early November is marked on top of ballot.
D. Numismatic Chat Board LeBlanc Board has been closed per board desire.
E. CPA 2011 Review LeBlanc We allocated $5k for this. Statement of work has been received, to be signed by President. Desire is to have report at November board meeting. Sirna believes December 31 is more realistic.
XIV. New Business
A. Co Host Awards LeBlanc No action at this time taken by board.
B. Set Spring 13 Bourse Fee Le Blanc Deferred. Phone conference call to discuss possibly in October.
C. Membership dues change LeBlanc LeBlanc recommends increase to $15, and Life to $400/$450 from $300/$350. No motion heard, no action taken.
D Boy Scout Project request for funds LeBlanc Based on a written request from a MSNS member, David Porter. Pall moves to purchase 100 BSA merit badge books for $450 to assist with a scout educational project. No second. Sharpe says has contact who has volunteered to take on this project instead, and says it can be done for no cost.
E. Macomb Note Giveaway Pall Being a lack of time to comply with state law, Pall's desire to give away a Macomb County Obsolete currency note is tabled.
F. Membership mailing policy/cost LeBlanc Current policy is that an outside person, member or not, can provide Secretary with material to mail to membership at postage cost. Mailing labels attached by Secretary, and membership list is not given out. Sirna recommends this policy be eliminated. Sharpe moved , Ewald 2nd This policy is hereby eliminated. Approved.
XV. Board Member Comments
Chandler – continue to work on Spring convention
Sharpe – Will we have pages since concessions in bourse room?
Ewald – excited about show. Everyone should talk positively about the show.
Wostyn – everyone who learns of this is positive, especially clubs with websites. Local clubs feel a part of us because of our communication. Sharpe is promoting us – gives us a table at his show every time – we need to man the table! Thu/Fri/Sat at Livonia.
Irick – Canadians in Windsor are positive about this. Irick is a new director of Royal Canadian Numismatic Association.
Chirco – IRS is seizing money from dealers when banks report structured deposits of cash. The Hobby Protection Act is trying to be strengthened with a bill in the Federal House of Representatives now.
Friedman - $9000 deposits, two in a day or within 4 days, are at risk of exposure to IRS as structured deposits. Volunteer for things. Fight the negativity with facts when you encounter it.
Al Bobrofsky – may investigate a 2-day show going forward – at least in Spring.
Sirna – every board member must make a commitment to support this show – clubs, teachers, boy scouts, vet clubs. Helping like this should be mandatory; if you don’t want to do it, you shouldn’t be on the board. Lead, follow, or get off the bus.
Parks – thanks all who have worked – this is a crisis – above and beyond.
XVI. General Membership Comments
Summerell – Anticipates we won’t have enough help. Board needs to help. We’ll need all the extra help we can get.
XVII. Adjourn – Pall moved, Strub 2nd a motion to adjourn. approved. Adjourned at 4:42pm.