Meeting of the Board 3:30 PM,
Feb. 15, 2009
Center, East Lansing
Call to Order 4:02
pm Parks
II. Roll
Call LeBlanc
Present: Parks, Al Bobrofsky, LeBlanc, Ann Bobrofsky,
Chandler, Chirco, Dennany,
Freeland,Friedman, Henderson, Pall, Rothfeld, Wostyn. Absent
Fenwick, Lusch, Strub
III. Introduction
of visitors Parks
Dennany, Frank Passic, Mike Marotta, Steve Deitert, Brian Malnar, Nancy Chandler and Tom Klunzinger
IV. Invocation LeBlanc
LeBlanc lead the board in
V. Minutes
of Nov. 28, 2008 LeBlanc
Pall moved to approve as
mailed, Wostyn 2nd, approved.
to Agenda Board
1. ANA Donation
New Business
1. Auction Letter
2. Spring 2010 location
3. ANA seminar changes
VII. Approve Agenda Board
Approved on voice vote.
VIII. Director Absences LeBlanc
Being the 1st meeting of this board,
there are no absences to report.
IX. Appointments (If any) Parks
Dr Parks at this time appoints Michael Marotta for web master. Marotta
then discussed his vision for our web site. Appointment Approved.
X. Membership
Comments Parks
Klunzinger asks for Lansing
and Livingston to co-host the next available spring. Prefers Lansing,but SE Michigan ok. Deitert asked formally for Livingston. Summerell requests a show co-host for
Monroe. Henderson asks for a cohost from
Downriver. Sirna comments that we may wish to change our fall show from
Thanksgiving weekend.
Officer Reports
A. President
Parks thanks for opportunity to serve
as President. He wants committees to
work more and better. Ask for help if you need it. Committees need to talk with
each other. He wishes to be in the loop
on all activities.
B. Vice President Bobrofsky
No report at this time.
C. Secretary-Treasurer LeBlanc
1. Review Current Financial
a. Regular
$15K 3% Matures 04/09
$12.5K 1.3% Matures 03/09
Checking Account (Jan. 20, 2009) $20500
b. Life
$25K 4.0% Matures, Nov. 09
$15K 4% Matures, Sept 09
CD $10K
4% Matures, 08/09
CD $50K 4.1% Matures, 03/10
Savings Account
c. Cash Reserve
CD $10K
3.5% Matures 02/09
d. Pruchnicki Inheritance
a. New Liberty Bank CD 2.8 % Matures Nov. 09 $3655.
Rothfeld asked if we could
buy exhibit awards ahead of time. LeBlanc stated that awards could not be
bought ahead of a budget being approved for a convention.
Al Bobrofsky asked what life savings account
represents. LeBlanc states that this is recently received life membership
2. Membership Report
LeBlanc notes we have 763 regular members, 77
YN members, 24 clubs, 461 life members, 18 honorary life members. We are now mailing the MichMatist to 9
libraries and editors.
LeBlanc notes 3 applicants for life
membership. James Waswick, David Sweet,
and Brian Brown. They have been published in the MichMatist.
Motion to approve all
three applicants by Friedman, 2nd Bobrofsky. Approved.
3. Property Report
LeBlanc notes we have about 8
silver anniversary medals remaining. Summerell reports a MSNS case was taken at
the Fall 08 show, but that we found one non-MSNS case unclaimed at the same
Fall 08 Report
LeBlanc notes that we have not received
payment yet from Silvertowne Auctions for the Fall show. Payment is expected in
next 30 days. LeBlanc asked for the
board to accept the financial worksheet as given. Pall so moved, 2nd Friedman
5. 2008 Report
LeBlanc reviewed the 2008
budget worksheet. Discussion. Rothfeld moved to accept 2nd
Chandler Accepted.
Wostyn states that
LeBlanc has shown her copies of the MSNS bank CDs and that they appear to be in
6. 2008 P & L LeBlanc
LeBlanc offered and discussed
the 2008 Profit/Loss statement given to the board. LeBlanc noted 1 small change of
categorization that does not effect the bottom line. This will be corrected before publishing in
the MichMatist and before tax forms are prepared by Huggins. LeBlanc asked that
the board accept. So moved by Dennany, 2nd Rothfeld, Accepted.
7. Spring 09 Budget LeBlanc
noted and apologized for failing to mail the Spring 2009 convention budget out
to the board. LeBlanc was instructed to
mail the budget to the board in next few days, and if hearing no major
objections, to consider it approved.
8. 2009 Budget LeBlanc
reviewed the budget for year 2009 and asked for acceptance. Freeland so moved,
2nd Friedman accepted.
9. Correspondence
correspondence received.
XII. Old Business
A. Schlag Memorial Update
Al Bobrofsky
No change to dollars
raised. Still working on Michigan
memorial plaque at grave site.
Spring 08 Raffle Unclaimed LeBlanc
LeBlanc noted that MSNS has received approval
from Michigan to donate the unclaimed ˝ oz gold coin to the ANA for the Schook
School. It has been mailed to the ANA, no receipt has been received yet.
C. MSNS Attire LeBlanc
Parks took
a consensus of how the board would like
to proceed. He will consider and offer
D. Suburban Detroit Coin Show Wostyn
Wostyn states
that Sekulich, LeBlanc, and Wostyn manned a table at
Sharpe's show. Approx 35 new members
were signed up, along with some bourse applications taken in. Sharpe is willing to offer us table again
E. Survey Results LeBlanc
LeBlanc reported the survey results of
membership from Fall 2008.
F. Purge of Life “Deceased” Members LeBlanc
LeBlanc feels that we
have many people on our Life membership rolls that are deceased, or no longer
wish to be considered members. LeBlanc
asks for budget and approval to mail a letter to the Life members along with a
postage paid postcard asking if the person still wishes to be on the
membership. Motion to spend up to $1000 to attempt to contact life members for
this project by Friedman, 2nd Henderson. Motion calls for mailing
request a 2nd mailing to members who did not reply to 1st
mailing. Approved. Board asked for a
list of purged names in Mich-Matist
G. ANA donation (from Nov) LeBlanc
Bobrofsky Moves to
take off table, Friedman 2nd
Approved. Discussion. Pall moved
to table to the executive committee, Rothfeld 2nd, Approved.
XIII. New Business
A. Slate Memorial Rothfeld
Rothfeld stated that
Judy Slate has passed away. Rothfeld
moved to grant a membership through 2014 to Julie Slate, 2nd Freeland Passed.
Patriot Act Education Chirco
MSNS will ask Pat Heller if he would give a
talk to MSNS dealers at a MSNS convention.
Uncleared Checks LeBlanc
LeBlanc notes that we have 7
checks that are old/stale and that they have been included in our expenses in
past years, and that with board approval he will void them, and place the
dollars back into 2009 as income.
Pall so moved 2nd
Rothfeld, that this be done on March 15, 2009. Approved.
D. Battle Creek Mini Show Wostyn
Issue is not discussable
at this time. No formal applications.
E. CSNS Ballot LeBlanc
LeBlanc notes that we received a ballot to vote
on a constitutional issue for Central States Numismatic Society, but that we
did not have time for the MSNS board to consider, thus the ballot was not
Set Fall 09 Bourse Fee LeBlanc
Wostyn moved to set bourse fee for Fall 2009 at
$350 if paid in full by Aug 1st, and $375 for dealers not paid in full by
August 1st, 2009 as noted by postmark. Friedman 2nd, Passed. Board also noted that dealers not
paid in full by 30 days prior to the convention also pay a $25 late charge.
G. Set Hours Spring 09 Malnar
Malnar reports he
plans for dealer opening at 8am Thursday and public access at 1pm Thursday.
A Saturday close of 6pm. Board hears and acknowledges.
H. Dealer Packet Contents Wostyn
Wostyn wishes to see
dealer packet improved. Perhaps coupons to local businesses, a thank you for coming, and a letter
regarding the next show.
I. Tom
Reynolds Complaint LeBlanc
LeBlanc notes a complaint by a dealer over
times of spring show. Executive committee offered a solution to the dealer and
it is pending. Friedman asks LeBlanc to
telephone dealer. Board accepts Executive
Motion by Pall If Secretary-Treasurer does not receive a
reply by March 15, then offer expires.
Died for lack of 2nd.
J. Auction Letter – Davis Bobrofsky
Parks notes that
offer from Davis has been received. Offer is not accepted.
Spring 10 Location Malnar/Wostyn/LeBlanc
Wostyn and LeBlanc have looked for other
location in Metro Detroit. Malnar has no
contract from Hyatt for Spring 2010.
ANA seminar changes LeBlanc
notes that ANA now offers two 2 day classes or one 5 day class. Our pending Best of Show winners may chose
either. LeBlanc asks that going forward
a maximum value be set for this award. Bobrofsky states that such limit exists
somewhere in past minutes. Education
committee to look at refreshing a max value. Sirna recommends such also.
M. Teleconferences Dennany
Dennany asked chair
if some items can be handled by telephone and not in person at a board meeting.
XIV. Committee
Parks passed out a committee assignment sheet. He asks all board members to be more involved in committees and that he expects committees to report at each board meeting. All commitees are to include Parks in correspondence.
XV. Committee Reports
A. Exhibit
Passic has posted
time changes for spring 09 show.
B. Auctions Summerell
C. Past Presidents Ann Bobrofsky
D. Mich-Matist Parks
Parks wishes to be able to identify members who do not want the MichMatist, mailed to them.
E. Publicity Open
F. Membership Sekulich
G. Conv. Manual Al Bobrofsky
H. Conv. Committee Al Bobrofsky
I. Communication Clubs
Membership J. Wostyn
J. Education
Pall asked as chair, to please send him ideas, etc.
K. Finance
L. Dealer
Board Member Comments
Dennany likes direction of new
XVII. General Membership Comments
Summerell asks what should happen to
items found at a convention? Rothfeld
moves that we publish that (Generic
Description of item) was found at show in MichMatist and if owner does not come
forward and be able to describe the item, that it be donated to the YN Program.
Henderson 2nd. Passed
XVIII. Adjourn Motion to adjourn by Rothfeld, Henderson 2nd
at 7:29 Passed